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# Provide a simple responsive fotogrid using flex layout.
# Depends on the css/fotogrid.css defined styles.
def fotogrid(image_urls):
result = '<div class="fotorow">'
cols = 4
images = divmod(len(image_urls), cols)
images_per_col = images[0]
if images[1] > 0:
images_per_col += 1
nbr = 0
for img in image_urls:
if (nbr % images_per_col) == 0:
if nbr > 0:
result += '</div>' # closing fotocolumn
result += '<div class="fotocolumn">'
result += '<img src="' + img + '" style="width:100%">'
nbr += 1
result += "</div></div>" # closing fotocolum, fotorow
return result